Scoring Rubric for VLCFF Assessment
- This scoring rubric applies only to those students who elect to be scored and all students in a certificate program.
- Each of the following categories receives a single score which contributes to a student's final course score. The facilitator then adds up each score from each of the three categories from which the sum total is drawn as the student's final score for the course.
- The facilitator must score using the numbers 0 to 5. Scores based on decimals or fractions won't be accepted. Any category scored 3 or less, MUST have an explanation recorded in the "Comments" box when course completions are submitted each cycle.
- The facilitator is responsible for reporting to the student how he or she is progressing.
- Students' grades are to be submitted to them by regular email.
Comprehension of Content: determines how well the student demonstrates comprehension of the ideas and arguments presented in the readings, and all supporting details.
- 0 = Insufficient: a surface reading of the material with no real comprehension demonstrated.
- 1 = Fair: a basic reading of the material with inconsistent comprehension demonstrated.
- 2 = Good: a solid comprehension, with a few gaps in comprehension tolerated.
- 3 - 4 = Very Good: a superior comprehension, with one or two small gaps.
- 5 = Distinguished: complete comprehension.
Time Management: determines how well the student completes all assignments the week they are due. It also determines, in part, the quality of participation in the discussion boards. At minimum, the three required postings don't get entered at once, and consistently and constructively engages classmates in substantive discussions.
- 0 = Insufficient: chronically late or incomplete assignments and incomplete participation in discussion boards.
- 1 = Fair: basic participation in the discussion boards and occasionally late assignments.
- 2 = Good: on-time submission of all assignments and participation in all discussion boards.
- 3 - 4 = Very Good: on-time completion of all assignments and superior integration of discussion board postings by engaging the entire class the majority of the time.
- 5 = Distinguished: timely completion of all assignments within the normal flow of each of the sessions and the overall course, including full integration of discussion board postings into the overall discussion by engaging the entire class from start to finish.
Quality/Quantity: determines the depth and quality of student participation in the discussion boards and the quality of the answers given in all other assignments. The student demonstrates not just comprehension, but an understanding of why the ideas and arguments are what they are, and can thoughtfully agree or disagree with them.
- 0 = Insufficient: course requirements are incomplete and demonstrate a weak engagement with the ideas and arguments presented.
- 1 = Fair: course requirements are completed and demonstrate a basic understanding of the ideas and arguments presented.
- 2 = Good: discussion board posts and all other assignments show not just comprehension but a basic understanding and engagement with the ideas and arguments presented.
- 3 - 4 = Very Good: all discussion board posts and all other assignments show a very good ability to present new thoughts or ideas from previous knowledge with understanding and depth.
- 5 = Distinguished: all discussion board posts and all other assignments show not just comprehension but an outstanding ability to present new thoughts or ideas from previous knowledge with understanding and depth.
Total Course Scores: Once again, the final score is to be calculated using the following number scale. Scores based on decimals or fractions won't be accepted.
- 0 - 2: Certificate is not given. The work was not complete.
- 3 - 5: Fair
- 6 - 8: Good
- 9 - 14: Very Good
- 15: Distinguished