Course Calendar
All dates and offerings subject to change. Information is up to date as of March 6, 2025.
Cycle 1: January 20 - February 23, 2025 (Registration: Opens October 23, 2024; Closes January 16, 2025)
- Basics of Catechist Formation 1.1: Catechesis is... (Sem)
- Bible Basics
- Catechetical Methodology - AMS
- Catholic Beliefs
- Christology
- Chronic Illness: Mental Illness, Grief, Trauma Support and Counselling
- Church History 1
- Disabilities in Parish Life: An Overview
- Ecclesiology: Beginnings of the Church
- Faith and Human Development
- History of Catholic Social Action
- Images of Jesus
- Introduction to Christian Morality
- Introduction to Paul's Life and Letters
- Introduction to Practical Morality
- Introduction to Prayer
- Introduction to Scripture
- Many Faces of Adult Learners (AFL 3)
- Music in Liturgy
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Principles for Addressing Diversity Issues in Youth Ministry (YM)
- Roman Catholic Catechesis for Faith Formation
- Sacraments
- Survey of Catholic Doctrine
- Who is Mary of Nazareth, and Why Should We Care? (MS)
Cycle 2: March 10 - April 13, 2025 (Registration: Opens January 22, 2025; Closes March 06, 2025)
- Basics of Catechist Formation 1.3: The Human Development and Spirituality of the Catechist and Learner
- Bible Basics
- Catechetical Methodology - AMS
- Catholic Beliefs
- Catholic Teaching on Chastity, Family Life, and Human Sexuality Education
- Church History 2
- Conscience
- Ecclesiology: Pilgrim Church
- Evangelization and Discipleship
- Facilitating Adult Learning and Faith Formation (AFL 4)
- Faith and Human Development
- Fundamentals in Deaf Faith Formation Methodologies
- Galatians
- Images of Jesus
- Introduction to Liturgy
- Introduction to Pastoral Care
- Introduction to Practical Morality
- Introduction to Prayer
- Introduction to Scripture
- Introduction to the Sacraments of Initiation
- Leadership in Ministry
- Mary in Scripture and Tradition
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Permanent Deacons: Discerning a Call to Holy Orders
- Planning Youth Ministry Events (YM)
- Praying with Children
- Roman Catholic Catechesis for Faith Formation
- Sacraments
- Scripture and Justice
- Scripture, the Soul of Mariology (MS)
- Survey of Catholic Doctrine
- The Mass
- The Parish Nurse as Counsellor and Spiritual Companion
- Understanding Culture in Ministry: Building Bridges
- Veteran and Military Family Outreach
Cycle 3: April 28 - May 18, 2025 (3-week e-seminars only) (Registration: Opens March 12, 2025; Closes April 24, 2025)
- Angels in the Bible
- Basics of Catechist Formation 1.1: Catechesis is... (Sem)
- Basics of Catechist Formation 2.1: Methodology
- Catholic Identity and Culture (Sem)
- Designing a Parish Catechetical Plan (Sem)
- Directory for Catechesis: A General Overview and Reflection
- Ecclesiology: A Theological, Historical and Pastoral Summary (Sem)
- Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Faith Formation (Sem)
- Images of Mary (Sem)
- Let This Be the Time: Spiritual Essentials for Life's Second Act (Sem)
- Mercy (Sem)
- Ministry Leadership in the Church Today (Sem)
- On Bended Knee (Sem)
- Our Hearts Were Burning (Sem)
- Praying with Creative Arts: Poetry
- Romero: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr and Saint (Sem)
- Spirituality of the Missionary Disciple (Sem)
- Summary of Catholic Social Teaching (Sem)
- Theological Reflection: Key to Connecting Faith and Life (Sem)
Cycle 4: June 2 - July 6, 2025 (Registration: Opens April 30, 2025; Closes May 29, 2025)
- An Introduction to Catholic Doctrine on the Blessed Virgin Mary (MS)
- Basics of Catechist Formation 1.2: Vocation of the Catechist (Sem)
- Bible Basics
- Catechetical Methodology - AMS
- Catholic Beliefs
- Church History 1
- Conscience
- Creative Methodologies: ADHD in Parish Life - Pastoral Implications
- Directory for Catechesis: In Depth Review and Study
- Ecclesiology: Reframing Church
- Faith and Human Development
- Images of Jesus
- Introduction to Christian Morality
- Introduction to Paul's Life and Letters
- Introduction to Practical Morality
- Introduction to Prayer
- Introduction to Scripture
- Leadership Roles and Skills for Adult Learning and Faith Formation (AFL 5)
- Moral Injury: When Our Pain Blocks God’s Joy
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Panorama of the Old Testament
- Relational Ministry with Youth (YM)
- Roman Catholic Catechesis for Faith Formation
- Sacraments
- Survey of Catholic Doctrine
- Survey of Catholic Social Teaching
- Vocation to Ministry
- Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship of Catechists
Cycle 5: July 21 - August 24, 2025 (Registration: Opens June 4, 2025; Closes July 17, 2025)
- A Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry (YM)
- Autism in Faith Formation
- Basics of Catechist Formation 1.1: Catechesis is... (Sem)
- Bereavement Ministry: A Christian Perspective
- Bible Basics
- Bioethical Issues, Including Care for the Aging and Support for Families
- Catechetical Methodology - AMS
- Catholic Beliefs
- Catholic Identity and Culture (Sem)
- Catholic Teaching on Chastity, Family Life, and Human Sexuality Education
- Christology
- Church History 2
- Ecclesiology: Beginnings of the Church
- Faith and Human Development
- Images of Jesus
- Images of Mary (Sem)
- Introduction to Liturgy
- Introduction to Pastoral Care
- Introduction to Practical Morality
- Introduction to Prayer
- Introduction to Scripture
- Mary in the Liturgical Life of the Church
- Ministry Leadership in the Church Today (Sem)
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Old Testament Literature and Theology
- On Bended Knee (Sem)
- Our Hearts Were Burning (Sem)
- Pastoral Approach to Culture
- Poverty in the US and Around the World
- Praying with Children
- Roman Catholic Catechesis for Faith Formation
- Sacraments
- Spirituality in Adult Learning and Faith Formation (AFL 6)
- Survey of Catholic Doctrine
- The Mass
Cycle 6: September 8 - October 12, 2025 (Registration: Opens July 23, 2025; Closes September 4, 2025)
- Advanced Catholic Social Teaching (SJ)
- Angels in the Bible
- Basics of Catechist Formation 1.2: Vocation of the Catechist (Sem)
- Bible Basics
- Catechetical Methodology - AMS
- Catholic Beliefs
- Church History 1
- Communication and Community
- Designing and Implementing Adult Learning and Faith Formation (AFL 7)
- Directory for Catechesis: A General Overview and Reflection
- Ecclesiology: A Theological, Historical and Pastoral Summary (Sem)
- Ecclesiology: Pilgrim Church
- Faith and Human Development
- Faith Formation for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Foundations and Vision for Adult Learning and Faith Formation (AFL 1)
- Images of Jesus
- Introduction to Practical Morality
- Introduction to Prayer
- Introduction to Scripture
- Introduction to the Sacraments of Initiation
- Let This Be the Time: Spiritual Essentials for Life's Second Act (Sem)
- Mary and Spirituality: A Journey of Holiness (MS)
- Music in Liturgy
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Prophets
- Roman Catholic Catechesis for Faith Formation
- Sacraments
- Spirituality of the Missionary Disciple
- Survey of Catholic Doctrine
- Understanding Culture in Ministry: Building Bridges
Cycle 7: October 27 - November 30, 2025 (Registration: Opens September 10, 2025; Closes October 23, 2025)
- Administration in Ministry
- Basics of Catechist Formation 1.3: The Human Development and Spirituality of the Catechist and Learner (Sem)
- Bible Basics
- Catechetical Methodology - AMS
- Catholic Beliefs
- Catholic Identity and Culture (Sem)
- Catholic Teaching on Chastity, Family Life, and Human Sexuality Education
- Church History 2
- Collaboration and Community
- Directory for Catechesis: In Depth Review and Study
- Disability across the Life Span: Prenatal Diagnosis – End of Life Care
- Ecclesiology: Reframing Church
- Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Faith Formation (Sem)
- Evangelization and Discipleship
- Faith and Human Development
- Images of Jesus
- Introduction to Christian Morality
- Introduction to Practical Morality
- Introduction to Prayer
- Introduction to Scripture
- Liturgical Books
- Mary in Scripture and Tradition
- Mercy (Sem)
- New Testament
- Old Testament
- Parish as a Learning Community (AFL 2)
- Prayer and Worship with Adolescents (YM)
- Roman Catholic Catechesis for Faith Formation
- Sacraments
- Summary of Catholic Social Teaching (Sem)
- Survey of Catholic Doctrine
- Survey of Catholic Social Teaching
- The Parish Nurse: Facilitating Wholistic Health Through the Lifespan
- Theological Reflection: Key to Connecting Faith and Life (Sem)
- Vocation, Spirituality and Discipleship of Catechists