About the VLCFF
The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation is a new initiative to offer adult religious education and faith formation anytime and anywhere via the internet.
The goal is to support the church's professional ministry of religious education and faith formation in cyberspace.

What is the VLCFF?
The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) is an Internet distance-learning program to support catechist and adult faith formation in the Church.
"Given the broad scope of content, the diverse range of adult interests and responsibilities, and the availability of learning resources, no single approach can meet everyone's needs.
Consequently, a comprehensive, multi-faceted, and coordinated approach to adult faith formation is necessary." (Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us p. 44)

What is the VLCFF History?
Based upon over twenty years experience in multimedia and distance learning, the VLCFF team began exploring new alternative models via the Internet and ISDN (Integrated Systems Digital Network - live video conferencing) systems for adult faith formation in 1995. A preliminary grant from the University of Dayton and support from the Marianist Foundation enabled the VLCFF to come to fruition. Initial courses were test piloted in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. In 1999 new courses were developed and the door opened to small rural dioceses. Nine dioceses joined the second phase of expansion. The third phase of expansion (2001) now invites additional dioceses to become a VLCFF partner.
Who Sponsors the VLCFF?
The VLCFF is sponsored by the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives (IPI) of the University of Dayton - a Catholic Marianist Institution. Our mission is to mobilize the resources of the University of Dayton for partnerships with the Church that create and implement innovative pastoral initiatives designed to meet the needs of the Church and to articulate faith within the context of contemporary culture.

Why is the VLCFF important for diocesan ministry?
- Time: adult religious education / faith formation courses are not offered at a convenient time for more and more of our adults living complex time demanding lives.
- Distance: it is too far for parishioners to drive to a course offering. Or, too few people sign up for a diocesan course offered at a great distance from the diocesan center.
- Interest: growing diversity in course offerings desired by parishioners.
- Availability: courses are not offered when a catechist or parishioner is available.