Church History 1

Nivel de curso: Básico

Descripción del Curso

Basic knowledge and deep appreciation of Church History enables us to understand how the Catholic Church has evolved through time. We see how the Holy Spirit was and continues to be present. We become familiar with men and women who attempted to define the nature and role of the Church in each period of history. The road was not easy as religious, political, economic and social tensions impacted the Church's unfolding story.

Church History I is one of two parts of a basic introduction to the History of the Church. This course covers the period from Pentecost to the beginning of the Reformation. While we cannot cover in depth all the factors which influenced the development of the early Church we are able to begin the journey here.

Al término satisfactorio del curso obtendrás 2.5 UEP's.

Objetivos Generales del Curso

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